mercoledì 30 maggio 2007

La médecine française est de plus en plus sensible aux chants des sirènes d'outre Atlantique

Le RPH dénonce dans un esprit scientifique et de courtoisie,

Une nouvelle classification débarque d’Outre-Atlantique : à genou médecins

Fernando de Amorim

Peut-être parce qu’ils préfèrent lire la naissance de la médecine à partir de la technologie et de la thérapeutique au détriment de l’examen clinique né avec Hippocrate ; peut-être aussi parce qu’ils méconnaissent la psychanalyse qui serait de l’autre côté du fossé de par la maladresse de quelques psychanalystes ; toujours est-il que la médecine française est de plus en plus sensible aux chants des sirènes d’outre Atlantique. Dans l’obscurité de la clinique, face au symptôme, face à la plainte, face à la demande exigeante, les médecins français s’accrochent toujours davantage aux classifications ; probablement est-ce pour répondre à une exigence légitime de rigueur, mais également, semble-t-il, pour se sortir de l’embarras et de l’angoisse provoqués chez eux par la souffrance du patient. La plus récente classification est celle des troubles du sommeil qui peuvent être perturbants « pour le patient et pour le couple. » (Le Quotidien du Médecin, n° 8172)...

Cet envahissement régulier de la pratique médicale et scientifique anglo-saxonne et surtout nord-américaine, basée sur les preuves mais aussi le lobbying et la suggestion, n’appauvrit-il pas la médecine, celle basée sur la preuve du transfert, de la relation avec le patient ? Le RPH dénonce dans un esprit scientifique et de courtoisie, depuis des années, l’avancée de cette idéologie technologique, de l’idéalisation génétique et de la propagande pharmacologique au détriment de la clinique de la parole et du désir inconscient...
Signer la pétition --- Voir les signataires


Le JAMA-français

est l’édition française du JAMA, le journal of the American Medical Association. Le JAMA-français est publié toutes les semaines par l’American Medical Association, en même temps que la version anglaise. Il comprend des résumés ou abstracts de tous les articles qui apparaissent dans le JAMA. Par ailleurs, le JAMA-français inclut des traductions du texte complet du premier article, des pages du praticien et de la page du patient, parmi les autres rubriques. Les abonnés peuvent également avoir accès à la version anglaise de ces articles qui sont publiés dans le JAMA-français. Le JAMA-français inclut les numéros précédents depuis juillet 2006. Une version imprimée du JAMA-français était publié sur une base mensuelle de janvier 2003 à juin 2006. Les versions électroniques de ces numéros sont disponibles pour tous les abonnés sur le site Internet du JAMA-français.

Cette Semaine dans le JAMA-français

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Revue Clinique

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Articles les Plus Consultés

Stem Cells: Exploring Human Development and New Strategies in Medicine

Stem Cells: Exploring Human Development and New Strategies in Medicine Series: UCSF Mini Medical School [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 9959]

UCTV: UC San Francisco
1 hr 27 min 18 sec - Sep 26, 2005

Ubuntu Linux to solve South Africa's Medical Issues

21 December 2006
Using Ubuntu Linux to solve South Africa's Medical Issues

The start of the argument about Health 2.0 got me thinking. As sexy, functional and efficient as the health software trend may be - I think we all agree on the fact that it's just not applicable in the African context... yet.

So what might be applicable? SA Doctors need lab results, need to do research, need to store and retrieve patient records (on demand)... How do you get a connected, low cost, easy to use, low maintenance technology infrastructure into South Africa's hospital system? And then keep it there?

We've been using Ubuntu Linux (a proudly South African distribution of the Linux operating system - with our very own billionaire Mark Shuttleworth as the brains) around the office a bit - mainly to do tricky techy stuff, but I've been absolutely blown away with the new version (6.06 I think). It's funky, it's African, it's VERY easy to use (provided you don't mess with settings / use installed packages - which are more than ample for everyday use) and it runs on fumes.

I've personally run Ubuntu on a P3 256mb RAM - like lightning on the highveld.

So here's the challenge:

and all the folks at UBUNTU Linux:

Well done, chaps, excellent job. How about a project? We could secure funding (Government?) for an independent, empowered, Section 21 company to create an Ubuntu network of computers linking all SA's primary, secondary and tertiary care hospitals together.

1. It's low cost because the operating system is free.
2. It's low cost because it runs on the kind of computers America is throwing away.
3. It's low maintenance, because once the networking protocols, any required software and web browser have been installed - the OS can be locked down and user logins/passwords managed fairly easily.
4. It doesn't get viruses. Including the ones spread by the nasty germs on the kettle in the tea room (whole new post, different time).
5. It could network and interlink over a low cost dialup, sponsored by Telkom.
6. It could encourage the open source community (multiverse, universe... I get confused) to get together and develop some simple software for storing patient records, lab results, X-Rays and making them available to the right channels at the right time.
7. It doesn't crash!

I think I'm onto something - if I dare say so myself. South Africans are too ready to throw away local solutions when faced with more expensive, inappropriate overseas ones. A project like this, while creating jobs and uplifting infrastructure would equip and empower our medical industry to fight a battle they're not getting a lot of help with. And we'll be doing it, the South African way.

Baragwanath is 2km wide. How would you like to run a kilometre (the phones just don't get answered) and wait in a queue (only 5 terminals work currently) for those lab results as your patient lies gasping on the slab?

This is a call. Who's in? Are the folks at Ubuntu interested in pursuing a project like this? Is there anything going on at the moment?

If I'm not mistaken - movements like this ARE the spirit of Ubuntu. Leave a comment, we're really interested in your views...

GNUmed installation video manual

Posted by Sebastian Hilbert on Monday May 14, 2007 @ 01:51 PM
from the look ma it moves dept.
A video tutorial on how to install GNUmed's client and server part (including postgresql) on MS Windows has been produced and uploaded for public viewing. This is meant as a supplement for people who find the material on our Wiki ( too low level.

The videos demonstrates the installation of python, wxpython, psycopg2, PIL, posgresql and GNUmed itself from scratch. Videos can be found at: While narration is in German the video tutorial should be easy to follow.

GNUmed Movies

Contributed by Sebastian and hosted externally, courtesy of

Here you go. 5 movies will be shown tonight. Grab some popcorn and enjoy.

Be sure to zoom your screen large enough to be able to access the controls along the bottom of the window. Also, if the "action" is a bit slow to your liking, you can wait 'til the movie(s) load, and then use your mouse to slide the thumb along your horizontal scrollbar. For those with slow and expensive internet access a 3 MB zip file holding the last three of the files mentioned below is at

GNUmed client installation on MS Windows

Flash player Media Player

GNUmed server installation on MS Windows

Media Player

Demonstration of a new episode in a patient contact

Flash player Media Player Microsoft Media Player

Demonstration of the EMR tree

Flash player Media Player Microsoft Media Player

Demonstration of the EMR to file export

Flash player Media Player Microsoft Media Player

or access the files directly if the above doesn't work.

The flash files have been tested inside Firefox on MS Windows and Linux, also inside Safari on the Mac (OS 10.3 Panther).

Guide for Movie 1. It demonstrates:

  • that when we first arrive, Spock had been the last (i.e. most recent) patient found and displayed are his age of 74y5m and his allergy kein allergien bekannt which means "no allergy". For now, ignore the question mark in "Capt? Spock"
  • that at bottom, the current tab can be seen to be Handbuch which means Notes. It simply is a snapshot of some wiki pages.
  • within the search box, the availability of a "tooltip" which can be invoked merely by hovering
  • a search for Kirk. A single click behind the name (!) highlights the name completely so you can start typing without deleting the content of the box (saves keystrokes). A single click inside the name places the cursor at the specified position in the string so you can edit the name and search again. Note that on completion of the search, the Allergy info refreshes, and in fact so does Age but it is inapparent because the actors were born only 4 days apart!
  • a change of tabs to Velaufsnotizen which means Progress Notes
  • entry via keyboard of a SOAP note, including jumping between rows as might occur in a real encounter where during the exam the patient may provide additional history
  • a misbehaviour present in wxWindows 2.6 (absent in 2.4) in which the input areas shrink as text is entered
  • support within the text for symbolic characters e.g. 37 "degrees"
  • the user's choice to delay assignment (input) of an Episode name until the end of the visit, mirroring typical practice for one may not know until completion of the visit what the episode should be called.
  • saving of the item, which on account of being an "open" episode, appears in the left hand panel with "(Episode)" appended. The item above is shown with Grunderkrankung appended, denoting it as a significant health issue.

Il dialogo tra medici e pazienti sui farmaci e sui possibili effetti collaterali è del tutto insufficiente

FARMACI. Il 90% di quelli prescritti è di marca: indagine Altroconsumo
28/05/2007 - 17:25

Non solo il dialogo tra medici e pazienti sui farmaci e sui possibili effetti collaterali è del tutto insufficiente, ma il 90% dei medicinali prescritti è griffato. È quanto emerge dall'inchiesta sull'uso dei farmaci e sul rapporto medici-pazienti che Altroconsumo ha condotto su 2265 italiani, campione rappresentativo della popolazione adulta del nostro Paese. L'inchiesta rientra in un'indagine che ha coinvolto più di 10100 cittadini europei, condotta da associazioni di consumatori indipendenti in Europa.

"In Italia tre quarti degli intervistati - si legge nel comunicato di Altroconsumo - segnala di aver fatto le più recenti visite mediche presso il Servizio sanitario nazionale, più spesso per uno specifico problema di salute. Un quarto del campione si fa visitare per un check-up generale, il 17% per farsi rinnovare la prescrizione delle medicine. Metà del campione è uscito dal consulto del medico con una ricetta, in media con la prescrizione di due farmaci. L'11% dichiara di aver ricevuto una prescrizione di 4 o più medicinali".

Ma la cosa più sorprendente è che il 54% della totalità degli intervistati dichiara di non aver ricevuto alcuna informazione sul costo della cura, il 39% non ha ricevuto informazioni sui possibili effetti collaterali. Il 90% dei farmaci prescritti, inoltre, è di marca. Eppure l'80% del campione dichiara di considerare il medico di famiglia la fonte di informazione principale, a fronte di circa il 40% che dichiara di rivolgersi anche al farmacista.

Il 7% dei pazienti che ha avuto una prescrizione non ha comprato il farmaco. Per circa un terzo di questi, perché lo aveva già a casa, mentre per altri perché il farmaco era troppo caro. Il 17% degli intervistati giudica comunque troppo elevato il prezzo dei farmaci. Inoltre il 10% è insoddisfatto del contenuto della confezione del farmaco prescritto, eccessivo in quantità rispetto alle esigenze della cura. Il 26% degli intervistati dichiara di buttare in pattumiera i farmaci scaduti e il 19% di gettarli nello scarico dei sanitari.

"Nel complesso l'indagine dimostra che l'informazione offerta ai pazienti è inadeguata. - rileva l'associazione - Il cattivo uso delle medicine alcune volte dipende dalle iniziative individuali e da libere interpretazioni dei singoli pazienti, legate anche alla sensazione di non gestire adeguatamente la malattia, non riuscire a interpretare i disturbi oppure il ciclico comparire o scomparire dei sintomi. La poca informazione genera scarsa fiducia nella terapia: un dato che i medici non dovrebbero ignorare".

Per maggiori informazioni è attivo il call center di Altroconsumo al numero verde 800.571.661, dalle ore 10 alle 13 e dalle 14 alle 17.

2007 - redattore: LS

martedì 29 maggio 2007

Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs

Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs is a public education project of Consumers Union, the publisher of Consumer Reports. Consumers Union is an expert, independent, nonprofit organization whose mission is to work for a fair, just, and safe marketplace and to empower consumers as they buy products and services.

Consumers Union accepts no outside advertising. It has no agenda other than to promote and protect the interests of consumers.

Consumers Union’s revenue comes from the sale of information products and services, individual contributions, and a few educational grants. Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs is funded largely from such grants. Consumers Union is governed by a board of directors who are elected by CU members and meet three times a year.

A 10-minute video explaining Best Buy Drugs is also available. Click here to view it.

Los riesgos de consultar al doctor Internet

El 40% acude a la Red para consultar sobre sus síntomas

NUEVA YORK.– En las últimas semanas mi hija decidió que tenía lepra, síndrome de colon irritable y enfermedad de Lyme. “Contagio –me dijo la pequeña de 9 años una mañana de la semana pasada, asomándose por arriba de la laptop en la que acababa de tipear sus síntomas–. No debería ir al colegio con faringitis.”

“No tenés faringitis –le dije, sin levantar la vista de mi desayuno–. Así que andá a vestirte.”

En los viejos tiempos, los chicos temían visitar al pediatra, donde recibir una vacuna era siempre una posibilidad. Pero ahora que el Dr. Internet atiende en casa, mi hija pasa horas y horas tipeando online preguntas e investigando sobre síntomas reales o ficticios. “Mami, ¿la imagen de esta erupción no se parece a esto que hay en mi pierna?”, inquirió.

Nadie está realmente enfermo en mi casa; la sospechosa erupción resultó ser nada más que la marca del elástico de la media. Pero mi hija estaba exhibiendo definitivamente los síntomas de un nuevo síndrome. Al subir a Internet sus síntomas sin los beneficios de un estetoscopio, y mucho menos de un estudio médico que lo respalde, va tras los pasos de un montón de personas adultas. Como recientes estudios muestran, un creciente número de personas -tanto como el 40% de los adultos encuestados para un Informe sobre Consumo de 2006- están buscando información sobre su salud en Internet.

Pero estas personas obtienen resultados contradictorios. De acuerdo con el mismo informe, el 41% de los médicos de atención primaria dijo que sus pacientes habían acudido a la consulta con información errónea bajada de Internet.

La Asociación Médica Americana, de los Estados Unidos, que advierte que las páginas web con información inadecuada pueden confundir las personas e incluso poner en peligro su salud, indica a los pacientes que no consulten al Dr. Google en vez de consultar a un médico de carne y hueso.

Lejos de la enciclopedia

Admito que incluso yo he tipeado "garganta rasposa" y "picazón en brazo", y segundos después, luego de ver "resultados 1-10 de 21.500", me dije que estaba necesitando en forma urgente un tratamiento antibiótico. ¿Mis hijos se encaminan hacia el mismo destino? Para responder esa pregunta, llamé por teléfono al doctor J. James Rohack, un integrante de la Asociación Médica Americana.

"No hay dudas de que los niños son los sabios de Internet, así que yo no esperaría que su hija tratara de usar la Enciclopedia Británica para saber lo que está pasando", dijo el doctor Rohack.

"Pero una cosa que le enseñaría es que tenga en cuenta de que si bien uno puede hallar todo tipo de información en Internet, uno no puede aceptar que todo lo que uno encuentra allí es real. Usted puede ayudarla a buscar en aquellas páginas web donde la información disponible tenga una base científica."

El doctor Rohack sugirió la necesidad de dirigir a los investigadores de Internet fuera de los buscadores de información general y, al mismo tiempo, acercarlos a sitios confiables, como . La Asociación Médica Americana colaboró en el desarrollo de este sitio, que posee online una biblioteca médica de acceso gratuito (de paso vale destacar que ese sitio cuenta también con artículos sobre temas como otitis en niños escritos por miembros de la citada asociación médica).

Otros sitios de acceso gratuito -como , , de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de las Enfermedades (CDC), , de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud (NIH), o , de la Unión de Consumidores- también ofrecen información completa sobre temas de salud, calidad de vida y medicamentos.

El rol del médico

De todos modos, los pacientes no deberían saltearse la visita al médico por estar haciendo sus consultas online.

"Yo aliento a mis pacientes a que obtengan la mayor información médica para ser mejores pacientes -dijo el doctor Rohack-. Pero también pienso que uno necesita ayuda para procesar toda esa información, y ése sigue siendo el papel principal del médico."

Pero el atractivo señuelo de la caja de búsqueda por palabra clave del Dr. Internet quizás sea imposible de vencer, especialmente entre los más jóvenes usuarios de Internet.

"Ahora más que nunca, los motores de búsqueda son absolutamente centrales en la forma en que la gente investiga", dijo Susannah Fox, directora asociada de Pew Internet and American Life Proyect, que el año pasado publicó un informe sobre la búsqueda de información sobre salud en Internet.

"En los primeros tiempos, lo que encontrábamos era que la mayoría de las personas recurría a los sitios especializados en salud -comentó Susannah Fox-. Pero ahora vemos que eso es lo que hace la gente mayor. El resto de la población realmente confía en los algoritmos de los motores de búsqueda para obtener resultados útiles."

Existe una razón para ello. A diferencia de las personas mayores de 65 años que migraron a Internet después de pasar su juventud hojeando manuales, los niños de hoy son nativos de la era digital, que se manejan con más fluidez con las búsquedas online, dijo Marc Prensky, consultor en educación.

"Los chicos pueden encontrar lo que buscan más rápido que nosotros", dijo Prensky. A medida que estos niños crezcan, cada vez confiarán más en el diálogo online con sus pares para aprender a filtrar la información errónea que existe en Internet, predijo Prensky.

Por Michelle Slatalla
De The New York Times

Sitios y útiles, y confiables

* El sitio de la Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría ( ) posee información útil para la familia.

* El sitio de los centros para el control y la prevención de enfermedades ( /) , de los Estados Unidos ofrece información sobre diversos tópicos de salud en español.

* En inglés, el sitio de la Clínica Mayo ( ) , de los Estados Unidos, ofrece artículos y columnas de expertos sobre prevención, tratamiento y vida sana.

* La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) cuenta con una página en español: .

* El Hospital Italiano cuenta con una página dirigida a pacientes ( /) , con artículos sobre salud y calidad de vida.

* La Fundación Cardiológica Argentina cuenta con un sitio ( ) , con información útil sobre prevención y tratamiento de afecciones cardiovasculares.

Stress Management: Art Therapy (Video)

Art therapy for stress management (video)

Art can be a wonderful tool in the use of stress reduction. One idea that I enjoy is keeping a daily art journal. When you are choosing your materials, I suggest a larger pad, such as this, which is 12 by 18 inches, because it offers me more opportunity, or you more opportunity to express yourself either in large form or small form. But there are many types of journals that you can keep. Another idea would be the hardcover books such as this that is a blank book. And in this book you can do drawings or keep writings.

Crayon resist
A technique that I'm going to show you that I find very useful in stress management is called crayon resist. To do the crayon resist, you'll need crayons or oil pastels, watercolor wash, or you can use acrylic such as this, mixed with water in a tub and larger brushes. Often you can get a big house-painting brush at the dollar store for a dollar. You don't need expensive brushes for this technique. None of the stress management techniques that we look at today will require expensive materials.

Often when I work, I like to put on music because I find that it helps me to relax more and reduces my stress as I work.

Remember to really bear down when you're using the oil pastels or the crayons because the amount of wax that you apply is what resists the watercolor later. So if you draw very softly and faintly, the watercolor can actually overbear and cover up what you've drawn. You want to get a good, heavy coat of wax.

The more that you fill your picture plane, the more pleasing this technique will be. So you want to have areas left for the wash to fill, but you don't want big expanses with nothing. So try to fill it with ideas, shapes, color, still life — you could work from something that you love in your home. Some people find it more stress reducing to think of things that bring about stress and to get them down on paper. Some people like to work from colors that are relaxing to them.

To get the wash, I used about a tablespoon of acrylic paint and some water and stirred them up. You can also work directly out of a little box of watercolors. They are very inexpensive to get or that again you may have around the house if you have children at home.

I like to apply the wash like this, in long, even strokes. But it's not necessary if you have another way that you like to work. This will give me the sense of water in this case, because I had decided to do an underwater scene.

I believe that this part of the crayon resist is very soothing, and especially as you work without talking, you'll find that you get involved in the paint and your stress leaves. And here's my underwater scene. And again I worked very intuitively, I really did not stop and judge myself, and I let it emerge, didn't judge it and didn't try to be the perfect artist.

I'm going to introduce an art technique called mosaic, or torn paper collage, and this is a particularly beneficial technique if you're feeling that there are stresses in your life that are out of your control. Issues that are interfering with you feeling in charge. This technique is very beneficial in that situation because it allows you to take charge using the art materials, and to do the technique, we're going to use a variety of colored paper. You can really use old scraps of wrapping paper that you have around the house, scraps of construction paper, pieces of colored newspaper or newsprint, if you like, and in this case I've chosen a piece of black construction paper that will be my base paper. But you can work on white or any color that you would like.

In torn paper collage, you would take paper and begin to tear shapes that appeal to you. And as you tear these shapes, set them aside to work on later, but you can see how nicely the light colors show up against the black of the background. Another way to approach this project is using scissors to cut, and this will give you more of a mosaic effect.

You can cut small pieces like small mosaic tiles out of the construction paper or other scraps of paper that you have around, and you can see that even when they just fall on the page randomly, that they make an interesting pattern. But you can also arrange them very carefully with a certain amount of space in between and get a tiled effect or the effect you would have putting together a puzzle. So there are many ways to work with these same materials and get interesting effects.

When you're ready, when you've decided on part of your image, an area that you like, use white glue or a glue stick. And begin to put your shapes down. Then you can begin to build things around it. You can work abstractly.

The beauty in stress reduction is that you're making all the choices here. You're in charge of everything you're doing here. We worked in two different ways on the same idea here. This is torn construction paper, and the idea came about as a result of me first tearing a leaf shape and it emerged into a fall leaf motif. Again, I didn't strive for perfection, but rather to just enjoy the process of tearing and constructing imagery that I was in control of.

The second way of using the technique was cutting, much like a mosaic, and playing with these mosaic pieces on the paper background until I found a pleasing design. And I think that my design ended up looking a little bit like a window or a door or a portal, and you'll notice that I let the paper be irregular, that I didn't worry about perfection and that I tried to enjoy the process. The end result really reduces stress. I was in charge. I made something that was pleasing to me, and I'm feeling more relaxed.

Soft pastels
Now I'm going to demonstrate a technique that is particularly useful if you're under a large degree of anxiety or stress. This is a very soothing technique. It's a little bit messy. We'll be using 12 by 18 paper, again, you can worker larger or smaller, but particularly on this technique the larger paper is preferable because it gives you more opportunity to move on the paper, and the more movement you get into it, the more stress reducing I believe it to be.

In addition to the paper, you're going to use what's called soft pastels, and I have a variety of colors. I bought a box of 24, and I like to keep a damp washcloth or towelettes on hand because this is messy and sometimes you may want to clean your hands during the technique. You can also work on black or other colors of paper, and you'll get a different effect than when you're working on the white.

The soft pastels have a wonderful quality — the ability to give you a straight edge or a softened smear. You can also blend colors very easily. You have to be willing when using this particular technique to get a little bit messy yourself — but the end result is very pleasing as you can see the colors blend. It's soothing, stress reducing and pleasing to the eye because new colors emerge from blending of the chalk.

Another advantage of the chalk is that if you were to erase something you liked, you can go in and bring it back. They go right back on top of themselves. So you don't have to lose anything if you decide, "uh, I goofed," so then you bring it back.

You can see that these are very evocative and you almost get a feeling of movement. When you are using these chalks, you can create that effect of something that isn't static but something that's moving. That's one of the pleasurable things about using this.

For me this is finished. Now, perhaps if you had worked on this, you would feel that it would need a lot more work or maybe you would have stopped it earlier than I did. Each artist knows for themselves when they are done.

I just want to show you quickly that a different thing happens if you're using dark or colored paper with these same colored chalks, soft pastels. You see that the color really shows up in a very different way when it is against black. So you may want to explore with using a different background color. You see the colors really pop against black. You'll notice in the techniques that we're doing today that there is variety. That one technique may be much more concrete than another. One technique may be more abstract. And this is for you to explore and find the right one for you.

Disturbi Alimentari e Immagine Corporea

Disturbi Alimentari-Friuli Venezia Giulia

Descrizione: Il tema della puntata Anoressia, Bulimia e Binge Eating. Cosa si sta facendo in Friuli e quali le nuove armi per contrastare questo problema crescente.L'esperto illustra i gruppi di auto-aiuto, il numero verde informativo e i programmi di prevenzione che ha attivato.

Puntata SuperQuark Percezione Corporea Anoressia

Puntata del 10 agosto 2006 in cui il dott. Emanuel Mian psicologo/ricercatore italiano illustra un nuovo strumento per valutare,trattare e supportare i pazienti con un disturbo alimentare.Anoressia e bulimia nervosa, binge eating ed obesita', ma soprattutto il disturbo dell'immagine corporea.Il dott. Mian e' uno psicologo che opera in Friuli Venezia Giulia ed in Belgio.

From: EatingDisorders